Pointing of masonry joints
More Informations
The rehabilitation of exposed masonry made of brick or natural stone requires often a renewal of the whole joints to prevent a further humidity of the wall.
Application range
- Restoration or renovation of masonry joints
- Joint renovation / pointing of natural stones built in
- Gun pointing for large joints widths and great joint depths
- Deep-hole filling
Material selection
The selection of the material is mainly determined by the existing material. Mortars are composed of mineral binders and admixtures if necessary, e. g.:- Lime mortar
- Dolomitic lime mortar
- Lime cement mortar
- Roman cement mortar
- Trass cement mortar
Note: Jointing mortar has to be machine-compatible
Examples of application
- Masonry joints
- Floor joints

- Clean working ensured
- Complete filling of joints
- Delivery rate and speed adjustable
- If a repair is not possible, remove the joint material completely (z. B. AS200X Brick and Mortar Saw, no. 40040)
- Clean joint flanks of dust and lose particles, roughen them if necessary
- Pre-wetting using water of drinking water quality
- Place mortar in the joints
- Surface treatment
- After treatment of the joints
Information on joint repair
WTA Merkblatt “Natursteinrestaurierung„ 3-2, Edition 10.2016 D, Information on natural stone repair: WTA Merkblatt: “Erhaltung und Instandsetzung von Mauerwerk„ E-7-1, Edition 02.2018/D (yellow print)